Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need to Register?
How much does it cost
The price is £5.00 per person. There are no up front fees and you can pay by cash or card.
What shall I wear?
For footwear, very high heels or sticky soled trainers are not ideal as you will be on your feet for at least an hour. It’s important that you can slide and turn your feet easily on the dance floor, so choose something comfortable with a non-grip sole. For clothing, again wear something you are comfortable in and not too heavy, sometimes it can be warm work.
What ages do you cater for
Salsa Dancing has no barrier for age, teens to retirees are all welcome.
Does it matter if I've never danced before?
No. Absolutely not. If you've an ounce of rhythm in your body, we can teach you what to do with it!
Do I need to bring a partner?
No, you don't. We rotate partners in the classes so all the ladies get a go with all the guys and vice versa. We do tend to have more ladies than men attending though, so ladies, bring a guy with you if you can find one.
How long will it take to learn?
This depends on your ability, how often you attend classes, and how much practice you do between times. Also you'll never know it all (we're very much still learning ourselves!!).
What is "Freestyle Salsa"?
During classes students are shown moves and routines and are led through these by the teacher. Freestyle salsa is when there is no teacher involved and people simply dance with each other to music.
When dancing freestyle, the Leader (usually the man) will guide or "lead" the follower (usually the woman) through whatever moves he wishes in whatever order he desires.